• Shopping information

    • What are the payment methods that I can use?

      On our Website (www.fajascolombiausa.com) you can pay with: visa, paypal, master card, discover, amazon etc.

    • prices?

      Girdles prices may vary due to brand, quality of material, design and features, type of girdle and place of purchase.

  • Payment information

    • how are the shipments?

      Of course! Shapewear shipments typically vary depending on the seller and the buyer's location. Some common points include: 1. **Shipping cost**: May vary depending on the shipping company, distance and weight of the package. 2. **Delivery time**: It will depend on the shipping method selected, the location of the seller and the buyer, as well as any eventual delays. 3. **Package Tracking**: Many sellers offer tracking option so you can monitor the progress of your shipment. 4. **Return Policy**: It is important to check if the seller offers free or paid returns, and what their return policy is in case of shipping problems. 5. **Packaging**: Shapewear often requires special packaging to maintain its shape and quality during shipping.